Monday February 10: In Class Notes
Today we are discussing the software associated with Zbrush. They have software for free online and make some more advanced that can be purchased for finishing of these projects. Zbrush goes by the name pixologic @ and you can access the free software under the sculptures heading down at the bottom of their page or by
clicking this link. SCULPTRIS AlPHA 6 has a free download and some instructions about how to operate.
It's best to work the symmetrical qualities of your forms first and then the nuances or differences that need to be worked into the piece asymmetrical.
You can click on a wireframe and other tools on the left side. you can also hit "Shift" and drag to pan the view of your object. It's a very simple program once you get started and learn some shortcuts.
You can also hold down the space bar and adjust the SIZE of your brush and the Strength or Detail.
anytime you are holding the shift key what ever the brush is, it's going to smooth over the area that you are working or stretching. Don't be afraid to be aggressive at first with your sculpting and then smooth the areas as you go.
The Alt button will take any of the tools and make them do the alternate. So, if you are inflating and you would like to reduce, hold the "Alt" key.
Here is a
video tutorial that covers the basics
There are nine tools on the the left side
Draw and Inflate work similarly
The crease tool will add accentuation marks in detail.
holding the option will reverse the work that you have done should you extend things too far and of course the shift click will smooth things up for you.
Self Portrait Project:
It is possible to bring in photos and work from with the Sculptris. Our professor recommended this as it is one of the best ways to learn working with the software in a couple days. There are many details that can be added that and stretched to assist in creating a somewhat lifelike portrait. We are transferring one frontal view and one
Here is a link to a basic
head modeling tutorial